Mattresses With Fiberglass – An Ultimate Guide 2024

Mattresses With Fiberglass - An Ultimate Guide

Over the course of time, remarkable advancements have been made in mattress science. They are now more than just a thick layer of spring or foam. Mattresses now offer temperature regulation and dedicated contouring. Keeping a mattress safe from fire and other damage is also essential because the inside of a mattress is constantly changing. Memory foam, for instance, is highly flammable and provides excellent support and comfort.

Because of this, the American Consumer Product Safety Commission has mandated that all mattress manufacturers include fire retardants in their products.

What exactly is Fiberglass?

Have you ever looked at the insulation in the attic of your house and wondered what it is made of? The response is that the layers of fiberglass shield your house from fire and thermal energy. However, there is more to fiberglass than meets the eye. Because it is made of glass fibers, it is both extremely durable and light.

The most common use of this material is to make thin woven sheets, which are an excellent substitute for concrete, metal, or wood. Additionally, its use is inexpensive and extremely long-lasting.

Numerous mattress manufacturers use tiny fiberglass beads as fire retardants because fiberglass is highly effective against fire.

What exactly is Fiberglass

Different Kinds of Glass

There are many different kinds of fiberglass, and each one is used for different things:

  • A-glass: Also referred to as alkali glass. Chemical resistance and a few similarities to window glass can be found in A-glass fiber. It is utilized in the production of process equipment outside of the United States.
  • C-glass: Often referred to as chemical glass. The chemical impact is very resistant to C-glass.
  • E-glass: Also referred to as electrical glass. Because it is a great glass insulator.
  • AE-glass: The glass that resists alkalis
  • S-glass: Also known as Structural glass. Due to its mechanical properties, S-glass is utilized.

Do mattresses have to be flame-resistant?

Every flammable product, including mattresses, must contain a chemical or natural flame retardant for ethical and safety reasons. It is essential to comprehend the necessity of any mattress’s fire-resistant layers. To stop an accidental fire from starting or spreading, fire retardants are necessary. Additionally, this layer facilitates your safe exit from the scene.

Every mattress must contain a fire retardant that is effective against fire and able to withstand it for an appropriate amount of time, as mandated by the Consumer Product Safety Commission of the United States. Most of the time, a fire retardant should keep the fire from spreading until everyone leaves the area. Additionally, for compliance reasons, they require that each mattress pass all testing protocols. Mattresses that pass these tests must state on their tags that they meet all federal flammability requirements.

How can you tell if a mattress you’re buying has fiberglass in it?

When it comes to inserting a flame retardant into a mattress, fiberglass is a less expensive option. Even though many mattress manufacturers are not using fiberglass, the following factors can help you find it in your mattress:

How can you tell if a mattress you're buying has fiberglass in it

  • Price: Lower-priced mattresses are likely to contain fiberglass and other potentially harmful chemicals. This isn’t always the case, though.
  • Product Label: Always check the label to determine the materials used to make the mattress. Keep an eye out for mattress companies’ use of technical jargon. Fiberglass, for instance, is referred to as glass wool or glass fibers.
  • Origination Location: There is a possibility that a mattress contains fiberglass if it is not made in the United States.
  • Concern Customer Service: Ask the mattress’s customer service about the fiberglass inside before purchasing.

Which Mattresses Have Fiber Glass?

Even though mattress manufacturers are aware of the harmful effects of fiberglass contamination, they are willing to take the risk because of the rising level of competition in the industry. We recommend that you read the most recent reviews because many businesses no longer use fiberglass in mattresses. Reviews that are more than a few years old may not accurately reflect the mattress’s current construction, comfort levels, or anticipated durability.

Additionally, it is essential to keep in mind that not all manufacturers use the term “glass fiber” when referring to the material. We’ve compiled a list of some of the mattresses Brands with fiberglass.

Even if you’re in a hurry, this is a quick review to help you save time. One more thing: sadly, the majority of Amazon’s top brands are included on this list.

Brands Contain Fiber Glass Fiberglass mattress lawsuit
Zinus All mattresses contain fiberglass Lawsuit claimed
Linenspa Contains fiberglass Lawsuit claimed
Lucid Most of the mattresses contain fiberglass Hasn’t received a lawsuit
Molbly Contain Fiberglass as its China-based brand Hasn’t received a lawsuit
Nectar Contain fiberglass Have been sued twice
Olee Sleep Openly admits the use of fiberglass No lawsuit claimed
Ashley Furniture Some mattresses contain fiberglass Lawsuit claimed

These are some of the mattresses we’ve chosen for you that contain fiberglass While most of the mattresses on this list may be inexpensive but remember that nothing is more important than your health.

Our Top Pick

As examined above to save you time, here I’ll tell you somewhat more about a portion of my top picks from the rundown above to let you know a little more inside and out. 


So the 1st  brand that I’ve chosen is the nectar which is one of the most well-known and sensibly estimated memory foam choices. Then again, the internal defensive layer is for the most part made of fiberglass. but wait, don’t get panic Fortunately, there is an extra layer between the purchasers lying on the Nectar sleeping cushion and the fiberglass which make sure that you are away from danger.



The 2nd brand to talk about is Linenspa.In spite of the fact that it is one of the least expensive and most ideal worth sleeping cushions that anyone could hope to find, it is worth focusing on that Linenspa beddings utilize fiberglass as a fire retardant.


The 3rd one on our list is the Purple sleeping cushion, the fiberglass is woven somewhere inside the bedding into the layer that gives the sleeping cushion assurance. This cunning development guarantees that fiberglass doesn’t escape. In any case, it’s ideal to be educated and you might try and need to think about Purple sleeping cushion choices.


One more well-known choice on Amazon, making it one of the top merchants. In any case, the lucid sleeping cushion contains fiberglass.

Signature by Ashley Furniture

Ashley Furniture is known for delivering breathable and comfortable memory foam and hybrid sleeping cushions. Tragically, fiberglass is additionally woven into Ashley Furniture sleeping cushions.

Signature by Ashley Furniture


The organization has fiberglass woven into the strands, making it more challenging for a Layla sleeping cushion to pollute your room and house.

These were a portion of the top picks that I’ve chosen for you. Although these bedding brands contain fiberglass still these brands are famous and are sought after.

Also, read 

What Are The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Using Fiberglass In A Mattress?


  • Fiberglass is very good at keeping a mattress from burning or growing into a fire.
  • Mattresses made with this cheaper flame-retardant material are affordable.


  • Very harmful to health.
  • Fiberglass spread is difficult to clean
  •  Its exposure affects things in a room other than a mattress

Does Memory Foam Contain Fiberglass?

Memory foam mattresses containing fiberglass as a fire retardant will include this layer. However, a fiberglass fire retardant is not required on every memory foam mattress or layer. In order to create a fire barrier, many mattress manufacturers employ alternative materials like wool or silica.

Mattress manufacturers are tempted to include fiberglass as a fire retardant due to its low cost.

Does Memory Foam Contain Fiberglass

Also, read Facts About Mattresses

Health Risks from Fiberglass

Despite the fact that fiberglass is typically used in mattresses for its fire-retardant properties, if inhaled, it may not pose a significant threat to one’s health. According to the Illinois Department of Public Health, large quantities of fiberglass can cause a number of health issues, including skin rash, red or irritated eyes, sore throat and nasal irritation, stomach irritation, and sore throat. However, the risk of developing acute asthma or bronchitis from tiny fibers in the lungs is greater.

In a similar vein, a specific type of inhalable glass wool fiber has been identified by the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences as a probable human carcinogen.

How to Get Rid of Fiberglass in a Mattress?

First, the best way to get rid of fiberglass in a mattress is not to buy one that is fire-resistant fiberglass.

However, if your mattress contains fiberglass, the following steps can mitigate its effects:

  • Get a new mattress made without fiberglass instead of keeping your old one.
  • If contamination occurs, remove glass fibers from your mattress with a lint roller.
  • Vacuum your bedroom and the entire house thoroughly.
  •  For efficient cleaning, use a HEPA filter.
Also, Read How to Get Rid of Fiberglass From Mattress

Mattresses With Fiberglass – FAQs

Why is there fiberglass in mattresses?
Fiberglass is utilized by mattress manufacturers as a cost-effective thermal barrier. Mattresses must include this barrier for fire safety reasons. The fiberglass barrier is designed to prevent the fire from spreading inside the mattress in the event that it starts on the outside of the mattress.
Is fiberglass in a mattress dangerous?
Yes and no are the responses. If you are in close proximity to fiberglass, it may pose a threat to your health.
Is fiberglass toxic to humans?
Yes, Fiberglass is toxic to humans because Touching fiberglass should cause long-term health effects. Fiberglass can cause irritation and redness in the eyes. When fibers are inhaled, they can cause pain in the throat and nose.
Can your lungs remove fiberglass?
Fiberglass can clog the upper airway with larger fibers when inhaled. Smaller fibers may enter the lungs deeply. Sneezing or coughing and the body’s defenses are two ways in which inhaled fibers are removed from the body.
What happens when you rest on fiberglass?
Alongside other fire retardants, fiberglass has been connected to unfriendly well-being impacts. Its little shards can settle across surfaces and spaces in a home and be hard eliminate without an expert — similarly, bits of fiberglass can make bothering skin, eyes, and lungs
Can your body get rid of fiberglass?
fiberglass splinters might sort out their direction, especially when it’s a limited quantity. 7 Nonetheless, they can cause uneasiness, and on the off chance that they aren’t eliminated, may move to different regions of the body.



It is safe for us to add fire retardants to mattresses because it is required by law. In the event of a real fire, a fire retardant prevents your mattress from catching or spreading fire. Fire retardants come in two varieties: organic and chemical-based.

Most of the time, chemicals are mixed into fiberglass, which is bad for health and the environment. Although fiberglass is an excellent fire retardant, its disadvantage outweighs its advantages.

After reading this article, you will have a better understanding of the use of fiberglass in mattresses and will be able to make an informed purchase.

The majority of the time, manufacturers of mattresses combine fiberglass with other chemicals to create a strong, highly effective fire retardant layer. However, if the mattress is damaged, fiberglass can cause severe contamination. The mattress is unsafe to use because of this contamination, which has negative health effects.

As a result, avoiding a mattress with a fiberglass layer is always recommended.

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