Do Adjustable Beds Help Snoring? The Surprising Truth

Do Adjustable Beds Help Snoring The Surprising Truth

Do adjustable beds for snoring or do they help in reducing snoring? It’s a question that many people have, especially if they battle with snoring on a regular basis. The answer is a little complicated, but in general, adjustable beds may help to some degree.

There are a few reasons why an adjustable bed could help with snoring. In this blog, we will explore those reasons and help you make a decision on whether an adjustable bed is right for you.

One reason why an adjustable bed could help reduce or eliminate snoring is that it can help to keep your airway open. When you sleep on your back, gravity can cause your tongue and soft palate to fall back into your throat. So Let’s explore the issue in more detail!

How High to Raise The Bed for Sleep Apnea?

It depends on the severity of your sleep apnea. If you have mild sleep apnea, you may only need to raise your bed a few inches. However, if you have severe sleep apnea, you may need to raise your bed much higher, up to 30 degrees. Talk to your doctor about what is best for you.

One study found that raising the head of the bed for snoring by six inches reduced snoring in people with mild sleep apnea. The study did not find any benefit for people with moderate or severe sleep apnea.

Another reason why an adjustable bed could help reduce snoring is that it can help keep your body in a natural position. When you lie flat on your back, your head is tilted back and your chin is pointing up. This can cause your airway to collapse.

How High to Raise The Bed for Sleep Apnea

An adjustable bed can help keep your head and neck in a natural, aligned position. This may reduce or eliminate snoring.

There are a few things you can do to reduce snoring, in addition to using an adjustable bed. Some people find that sleeping on their side reduces snoring. You can also try using a pillow to prop yourself up in bed.

If you have sleep apnea, you should talk to your doctor about the best treatment options for you. Adjustable beds may help some people with mild sleep apnea, but they are not a cure for sleep apnea.

Do Adjustable Beds Help to Snore?

There are many reasons why someone might snore, and adjustable beds can help alleviate some of those reasons. One common reason for snoring is obstructive sleep apnea, which occurs when the soft tissue in the back of the throat collapses and blocks the airway. This can lead to loud snoring as well as pauses in breathing during sleep.

Adjustable beds can help by elevating the head and shoulders, which opens up the airway and makes it easier to breathe. Additionally, adjustable beds can also help if you suffer from acid reflux.

By elevating the head, stomach acid stays where it belongs in your stomach rather than creeping up into your throat and causing discomfort. If you’re a light sleeper or have trouble falling asleep, the gentle rocking motion of an adjustable bed can also help you drift off to sleep.

If you’re struggling with snoring, talk to your doctor about whether an adjustable bed might be right for you. It could be the answer to a good night’s sleep for both you and your partner!

What Causes Snoring?

Snoring is caused by a partial obstruction of the airway. This obstruction can be due to several factors, including:

  • Fatty tissues in the throat can narrow the airway
  • Enlarged tonsils or adenoids
  • Soft palate muscles that vibrate and produce the snoring sound
  • Structural abnormalities in the nose, such as a deviated septum
  • Smoking

People who are overweight are more likely to snore because they have more fatty tissue in their throats. Men are also more likely to snore than women.

Does The Sleep Number Bed Help With Snoring?

Everyone’s sleep and snoring habits are unique. However, many people have found that the Sleep Number bed does help to reduce or eliminate snoring. The sleep number bed works with adjustable settings that allow you to find the perfect firmness and support for your body.

Does The Sleep Number Bed Help With Snoring

This can help to keep your airways clear and prevent snoring. In addition, the Sleep Number bed virtually eliminates motion transfer, so you (and your partner) can sleep soundly even if one of you moves around a lot during the night.

If you’re struggling with snoring, it’s definitely worth checking out the Sleep Number bed. Many people have found that it makes a big difference in their quality of sleep.

How to Elevate Your Head in The Bed?

There are reasons why you might want to elevate your head in bed. Perhaps you’re dealing with congestion or sinus pressure, or you just want to read or watch TV in bed without getting a neck cramp. Whatever the reason, there are several ways to go about it.

One simple way is to use a couple of pillows. Place one pillow under your head and another behind your back, propping yourself up at a comfortable angle. If you find yourself slipping down during the night, try tucking a third pillow under your mattress at the bottom of the bed. This will help keep everything in place and prevent you from sliding around too much.

Another option is to invest in an adjustable bed. Adjustable beds allow you to adjust the elevation of both the head and foot of the bed, so you can find the perfect position for your needs. Many adjustable beds also come with massage features and other bells and whistles that can make them even more comfortable.

If you’re looking for a way to elevate your head in bed, there are plenty of options to choose from. Talk to your doctor or a sleep specialist to find out what might be best for you.

Do Adjustable Beds Help Snoring – FAQs

Does sleeping elevated help with snoring?
There is some evidence that sleeping with your head elevated may help reduce snoring. Researchers believe that this position may help keep your airway open and prevent soft tissue from collapsing and blocking the airway.
Does an adjustable bed frame help with sleep apnea?
An adjustable bed frame can certainly help with sleep apnea, as it can allow you to adjust your sleeping position to find the optimal position for reducing snoring and improving airflow.
What sleep position is best for snoring?
There is no one “best” sleep position for snoring. Some people find that sleeping on their side helps to reduce or eliminate snoring, while others find that sleeping on their stomach or back works best. Ultimately, it’s a matter of experimentation to see what works best for you.
What are the best adjustable beds for snoring?
There are three adjustable beds that are considered the best for snoring: the Reverie 8Q, the Sleep Number 360, and the Legget & Platt Prodigy. Each of these beds has features that help reduce snoring, such as adjustable firmness, massage settings, and even heated mattresses. So if you’re looking for a bed that will help you stop snoring, any one of these three would be a good choice.
Does raising the head of the bed help snoring?
It depends on the cause of the snoring. If snoring is due to excess fatty tissue in the throat, raising the head of the bed will help to open up the airway. If snoring is caused by a structural abnormality in the nose or throat, then raising the head of the bed will not help.



The verdict? If you’re a snorer and have been considering an adjustable bed as a potential solution, it might be worth giving one a try. However, don’t forget that other factors such as weight and sleep position can also contribute to snoring, so always consult with your doctor if you think you might have a more serious problem. Have you tried using an adjustable bed to help with your snoring? Let us know in the comments below!

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